Lower Rogue Watershed Council
The Lower Rogue Watershed Council was designated within a Curry County Coordinating Watershed Authority by the Curry County Board of Commissioners in July 1994. Our members have been and continue to be committed to the health and future of the Lower Rogue River watershed.
We promote the health and function of the Lower Rogue Watershed by bringing differing ideas and parties together to discuss the issues in light of available best science to achieve the best solution for the Watershed.
Our Purpose
To protect, enhance, and restore long-term natural resources and economic stability of the Lower Rogue Watershed and the near shore environment.
Our Mission
To represent the broad and diverse geographic areas and community interests in the watershed and work collaboratively with these interests and landowners to develop and carry out voluntary watershed protection, restoration, enhancement, and community engagement activities.

Our Guiding Principles
- We believe that a healthy environment and a healthy community are inextricably linked.
- We believe that watershed stewardship should be based on a combination of sound science, education, and community involvement.
- We believe that a strong stewardship ethic enables us to leave healthy natural resources for future generations.
- We believe in working from ridge to ridge to achieve dynamic, naturally functioning ecosystems.
- We value our relationships with the landowners who have voluntarily joined in whole watershed habitat enhancement.
Welcome to Our Meetings
Any resident of the Lower Rogue watershed interested in applying to be a Council member is encouraged to contact the coordinator, Kelly Timchak at 541-373-0057. Meetings are the third Tuesday of every month, at 5:30 PM, at our office at 29286 Ellensburg Ave. Our meetings are always open to the public, and visitors are encouraged to attend and participate. Please check the calendar for time, place, and topic.
The Council is part of the Curry Watersheds Partnership; working together to help local landowners and communities keep our shared lands and rivers healthy and sustainable, now and into the future.
Current Board Representation includes: Commercial Fishing, Recreation, Concerned Citizens, and Local Business. We would love to expand to include Education, Agriculture, Timber, and others. Please reach out to me if you are interested to learn more.
Kelly Timchak (541-373-0057) kelly@currywatersheds.org

Recent Projects in the lower Rogue River
- Estuary Restoration – Restore vital floodplain connection (and process) and increase access to important estuary habitats that are rare in the lower Rogue
- Upland Restoration – Oak woodland and meadow enhancement to restore unique habitats
- Instream Restoration – Fish passage improvements (culverts, crossings, etc), large wood placements and channel reconfiguration for added complexity
- Riparian Restoration – Removal of invasive weeds and establishment of native species to vital streamside habitats
- Monitoring – Water quality monitoring (temperature and E. coli) and juvenile salmonid migration