Noxious Weed Management

The Curry Watershed Partnership has been involved in the removal of non-native, invasive weeds since 2004. Early projects focused on gorse removal in the Floras Creek watershed with an emphasis on eradicateng outlier infestations and containing larger populations from spreading. Over time the Partnership has expanded its weed management program to include many of the plants listed on the Oregon Department of Agriculture’s (ODA) Oregon Noxious Weed Policy and Classification List. This list is developed and maintained by the Oregon State Weed Board (OSWB).
OSWB’s list of weeds is grouped into two main categories based on a particular weeds distribution and economic importance. Annually, an additional designation is added to the existing list that creates a focus for prevention and control by ODA’s Noxious Weed Control Program. Action against these weeds will receive priority. Grant funding is available through the OSWB Grant Program. Grants are available every year and are funded by State Lottery dollars and administered by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) and ODA.
The Curry County Soil and Water Conservation District serves as the Weed Control District for Curry County. They also maintain a County specific list of weeds which by default includes the State’s list, but also other weeds of local concern.

Gorse Control

Depending on site conditions control of gorse can be an expensive and long term endeavor. To be successful in preventing spread information sharing across jurisdictions is critical. With that in mind the Gorse Action Group was formed.
The Gorse Action Group (GAG) is an informal group of participants including federal and state agencies, non-profit organizations, private industry, and landowners. The GAG is working to control and reduce the spread of gorse, minimize the impact of gorse on our economy and natural resources, and provide a successful process to share with others facing gorse infestations. The GAG maintains a website (see link below) with lots of resources to help you better understand what it takes to control and treat gorse.

If you have one of these weeds we want to know about. We may have funding to assist you immediately.

For questions or assistance regarding Noxious Weeds contact: Dustin Williams