Community Events
Earth Day at Dragonfly Farm
10 Year Anniversary Celebration – Join us all for live music, educational vendors, food tucks, prizes, and more. Event will be held on Saturday, April 26th, 2025!
A local event at a family-run plant nursery in the Langlois community. The Stream Trailer makes special appearances to celebrate our one Earth, its variety of life, while also sharing ways to protect it.

Rogue River Clean Up
Join us the first Saturday of June each year for the Annual Rogue River Cleanup – June 7th, 2025
This FREE rain or shine event has a “land” component for our community members to clean up several gravel bars or the beaches in the area, and our local students and their families complete the “boat” component to clean up the river.
Informational Links:
- Brochure (ALL the details)
- Poster
- Volunteer Form
- Volunteer Form (Minors)
- Cleanup Site Map
Reach out to Kelly Timchak for questions: or 541-373-0057

Party in the Park
Party in the Park is scheduled for July 12th, 2025! Stay tuned for more details.
Curry Watersheds Partnership staff engages youth from the Gold Beach community to lead a fun, educational booth each year designed to delight and inform young learners about their world. Previous themes included: Power of the Pollinators game, Little Bo Peep’s sheep and water quality model, and Underwater Engineering with PVC and ROV’s.
Always hands-on, always educational, ALWAYS FUN!

Redfish Rocks on the Docks
This is a community event in Port Orford, celebrating the Redfish Rocks Marine Reserve and community’s dedication to clean water, local economy and stewardship. This event is planned by a partner, and has NOT been scheduled for 2025 yet. Stay tuned…
The CWP’s Stream Trailer is an excellent tool we deploy to teach about non-point source pollution run-off, best management practices, and how it affects aquatic life in rivers and in the near-shore marine habitats.

The Monarch Festival
This event is planned by partners, and no date set for 2025 yet. Stay tuned!
The YEP works with volunteers to lead a life-size butterfly life cycle station at the annual Monarch Festival, held in Brookings, OR. Visitors of all ages are invited to make the beautiful metamorphosis into an adult butterfly, and then parade around the festival wearing butterfly wings.

Stream Trailer
The Stream Trailer is an inter-active watershed model that teaches audiences aging from 2-102 about watersheds, non-point source pollution, riparian zones, hydrologic cycle, salmon life cycle, estuaries and SO MUCH MORE!!!
We also now have a “table top” model of a watershed as well to better serve smaller groups and classrooms. Reach out to find out more!